2500 pts
Reclusiarch: 130
Death Company Dreadnought: 160 -Blood Talons, Drop Pod
Death Company Dreadnought: 160 -Blood Talons, Drop Pod
Death Company Dreadnought: 160 -Blood Talons, Drop Pod
Death Company Dreadnought: 160 -Blood Talons, Drop Pod
Death Company Dreadnought: 160 -Blood Talons, Drop Pod
Death Company (26): 520
Librarian Furioso Dreadnought: 210 -Drop Pod, Wings of Sanguinius, 1 other power
Librarian Furioso Dreadnought: 210 -Drop Pod, Wings of Sanguinius, 1 other power
Librarian Furioso Dreadnought: 210 -Drop Pod, Wings of Sanguinius, 1 other power
Dreadnought: 140-Drop Pod
Dreadnought: 140-Drop Pod
Dreadnought: 140-Drop Pod
Pts: 2500 Scoring Units: 0 KPs: 24
2000 pts
Reclusiarch: 130
Death Company Dreadnought: 125 -Blood Talons
Death Company Dreadnought: 125 -Blood Talons
Death Company Dreadnought: 125 -Blood Talons
Death Company Dreadnought: 125 -Blood Talons
Death Company Dreadnought: 125 -Blood Talons
Death Company (25): 500
Librarian Furioso Dreadnought: 175- Wings of Sanguinius, 1 other power
Furioso Dreadnought: 125
Furioso Dreadnought: 125
Dreadnought: 105
Dreadnought: 105
Dreadnought: 105
Pts: 2000 Scoring Units: 0 KPs: 13
So both lists have 11 Dreadnoughts in them, which is the most you can possibly fit in any list outside of Apocalypse.
If you want in the 2500 pt list you can drop the Drop-pods from the Death Company Dreads and then take magna-grapples or better weapons on the Heavy Support Dreadnoughts or heavy flamers throughout the list. Just mess around with it. But now you know it can be done.