So anyway, lets get on with it. Starting with TERRAIN!
So the terrain is made with Minnesota lake rocks and pieces of shale. Based in of 1/8" (I Think) masonite board. That stuff works great. Some work still needs to be done. Basing and detail. I am going to used popsicle sticks for the roof. Put a wood stain and snow on in. Some moss on the walls and such. Should turn out nice.
So I used Locite metal and concrete epoxy and gorilla glue brand super glue to build them. Stuff worked great.
Next up MARINES!
This is the Grey Knight Grandmaster I built for my brother. He painted it. It is supposed to represent a Grey Knight Librarian. I wish chapterhouse had made it's exorcist bits at the time. That would have been a better shoulder pad to use. I used the Blood Raven Terminator shoulder pad from them. The legs are from a Assault on Black Reach Terminator I got for free in a WD. The Body is a GK body (I used the legs elsewhere). The head is cadian with a green stuff hood. The eagle shield is from Marneus Calgar.
Well hope you enjoy. Now to rush to the airport to pick up a friend.