As always this is overall a great event. You meet some awesome teams, and if you do it a few times, you start to meet the same teams ever (two of the 5 teams we played against this year were teams we had faced at a previous Adepticon).
Now with our last minute change to EVERYTHING for the 40k team tournament, and one of our players as a result essentially being a 40k novice, we had a challenge ahead of us at the outset. However in the end we came in 47th out of 127 teams and had our best performance yet (overall and battlepoints). Placing above 63% of the competition IMO is excellent for bringing Blood Angels, Dark Angels and Grey Knights. Here are our lists.
Some other impressive rankings for us:
We were tied with 5 teams for 10th in appearance (which is nice since most of the models we had were just from our collection). Overall score considered, we would have been 18th in appearance.
We got 8 Line breakers, in a tie for 3rd for that with 9 other teams (8 teams had 9 LB and 1 had 10 LB). Overall score considered, we would have been 11th for Linebreaker.
Our performance listed below with some pictures
BA 1 will be Evan
BA2 will be Zach
For a detailed description of the rounds, skip to 23:07 of our Podcast coverage here or below
Round 1- W(GK &; DA), maxed /L (2 x BA), overall round win
Played against a mix of Guard and Admech vs a team we had played in the past
I completely forgot to take pictures of this round because it was just such a fun game against great guys. I will say though, whiffing with Captain Smash against a Castellan stinks.
Round 2- L (GK & BA2), Tabled /L (DA & BA1), did not 0 out
Played against Guard, Custodes and Blood Angels vs a team we had played in the past
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Round 3- W (GK & BA1)/W (DA & BA2), maxed
Played against Ultramarines, Orks, and Guard
The middle building made a great dice tray. Captain Slam finally performed and whacked a LR off the table like he was golfing this game.
Round 4- L/L (GK & BA2), Tabled/L (DA & BA1), did not 0 out]
Played against Daemons and CSM /DG/TSons representing the full Pantheon
This was the worst designed mission EVER. For some reason the team that got the split deployment zone AUTOMATICALLY went first. And then table quarters were controlled by models, not units, so our vehicle heavy lists did very poorly. Overall the mission made no sense.
This game Captain Slam managed to kill a GUO, but instead my siege dread whiffed against a Blood Thirster.
We actually killed more points of the enemy this game than they did of us, however, because of the mission design, we lost, but the differential was rather close.
Round 5- W/L (GK & BA1), maxed/L (DA & BA2), Tabled
Played against Ultramarines, Eldar and Necrons
This game was our most fun for all of us involved (even the DA and BA on the other table who got tabled). Since I've been reporting on Slam in all of these, this game he failed a charge, but survived getting charged by a Wraithseer and killed him for it.
And with that, here are some cool display boards from the event