Monday, November 26, 2018

King of the Jungle- Old Blood on Carnosaur Showcase

I love Lizardmen. Note, Lizardmen, not Seraphon. The old lizard lore was so cool, and the way they worked before AoS way more interesting to me (if I wanted to play a summoning game, I would have picked Daemons). SO for me, that means my Lizard force is going to be built to WHFB 8th Edition, The Ninth Age and Kings of War. I may use them occasionally in AoS, but my opponent would have to be cool with Square Bases. My Tamurkhan's Horde army will be for AoS. My lizards are going to be for Rank and File battle games.

It has been a LONG TIME coming, but I am finally making this army.

With that said, I finally finished the my first complete Lizard of my own army. The Carnosaur kit is just such a cool kit, and I loved every minute of making this model.