
Sunday, May 3, 2015

Weekend WIP: Over 8000 points of Battlefleet Gothic (IN and Chaos)

SO I have been kinda quite lately. I am getting ready for a move across country and hobby wise have just been working on stripping, building and/or repairing and basing an UNGODLY amount of BFG.

All told once done, I should have 16000 points ish (pre escorts) between the two fleets. Sitting in these photos is somewhere between 8k to 10k.

Stripped them over a few weeks in simple green. Now I have mounted them to their bases using steel rod and a dremel tool, filling gaps with super glue and green stuff. I'll prime all this tomorrow, and then actually put it in its case so I can get the rest out and to the same point of progress. Plan is to airbrush them all.